Likewise money for fresh ingredients could also be a factor affecting this, many people don’t like buying fresh food, as the sell by date is limited compared to frozen foods. ‘Almost 50% of the total amount of food thrown away in the UK comes from our homes. We throw away 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year in the UK, and more than half of this is food and drink we could have eaten.’ (lovefoodhatewaste, 2015). Proving that we throw away to much fresh food that could be used if scheduled meals were correct.
From research I gathered it suggests that the parent is in control of their child’s weight as they are responsible for ensuring their child grows up with the correct ethics towards food. I also believe this to, I think that it is important that the parent ensures they have nurtured their child correctly so they do not fall into the vicious cycle of obesity. As the child cannot cook, does not have money to buy food, and does not yet have the knowledge of choosing what is healthy for them and what isn’t. I think it is important that as a parent they point their child in the correct direction to live a healthy happy lifestyle.
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