The final step allows you to see a schedule and what day you should have what meal. It will give a recipe for that meal and tell you where to buy the ingredients. You will also be able to print or screenshot a version of that weeks shopping list including all of the ingredients that you’ll need to make the meals for that week. The reason why I have included a schedule also is because many parents may feel frustrated that they pay for fresh food and may only use it once before it unfortunately goes by its sell by date. The schedule allows the parent to cook in an efficient way so they do not waste valuable food. For example, Spaghetti Bolognese, Shepherds pie and Lasagne keep the main ingredient (mince meat) but have different variables. These will be on consecutive days Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so the parent could cook in bulk the main ingredient (which is mince meat in this case) on the Monday and use the left over mince on Tuesday and Wednesday. This ensures that the parent is cooking in the most efficient and least time-consuming way, see below for example:
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